01.11.2024 - 29.06.2025

Programme of public performances
In the context of the exhibition Walking Mountains

November 2024 – June 2025


The exhibition is flanked by a programme of public performances that will take place from November 2024 to June 2025.

In recent years, the complex nature of the changes that humankind is passing through has meant that it is necessary to rethink the role played by museums within society.
The relationship between art, culture and ecological thinking is triggering deep artistic-theoretical reflection and a rereading of the ways in which museums interact with the collective.
The public performance programme that will take place during the period of the exhibition aims to unite Museum, City and People, amplifying the message of the exhibition.
The choice of artists was made with a view to connecting local, Italian and international creativity. Walking becomes a performative experience capable of directly involving citizens on a physical, intellectual and emotional level.






The times indicated are provisional. Follow us on the social channels to stay updated and to know the starting point of the performances.



Hamish Fulton
Walking Every Direction
Friday 1 November 2024, h 3pm

Museo Nazionale della Montagna
Piazzale Monte dei Cappuccini


Registration for the performance are now closed.

One morning in 2007, in Lhasa, Hamish Fulton stared at a random corner for a couple of minutes without wanting to focus on anything in particular. Suddenly, very slowly, a line of elderly women appeared at a regular distance from each other, each absorbed in turning their prayer wheel in the direction of the sun, clockwise. Their walk continued along a pavement, keeping a distinct ritual attitude, while blending with the crowd on the street.
It was a revelatory image that would influence the artist’s decision to broaden his research, flanking his solitary experience of walking with his “communal walks”. These are participated performances in which the step becomes a form of non-violent, silent protest. An individual and collective act that induces a state of self-awareness, concentration and openness towards the world.




Sibylle Duboc
La marcia dei ghiacciai
Saturday 5 April 2025, h 4pm

Turin, City Center, different locations


Sybille Buboc leads the public on an imaginary journey through the phenomenon of glacier disappearance. The walk is a social agent that invites people to take part.
Through words, readings, the production of small artworks and imaginary visions, the artist triggers an experience of meaning regarding a theme of great collective urgency.
From sharing and moving around in a group, a body of fired, glazed prints will be produced, intended both as a cenotaph honouring the melting ice and as a witness that the process of re-imagining reality stems from the direct activation of people.




Claudia Losi
Il viaggio dei sottili
Saturday 10 May 2025, h 6pm
Turin, City Center, different locations


Il viaggio dei sottili stems from an interweaving of encounters and experiences that the artist had during her residency and her walks at the foot of the Monviso.
Conceived to be performed at sunset, this performance includes projections of nocturnal animations, shadows deambulating, spoken stories and songs. Traces perceived by the artist in Ostana, when she was a guest of the Viso a Viso community cooperative.
The performance crystallises the physical and mental concept of drifting, of openness to otherness, of participation and co-creation, at the basis of a broader reflection focused on the migration of thought from anthropocentric to biocentric.




Bepi Ghiotti
Saturday 28 June 2025, h 4pm
Turin, City Center, different locations


In YTBT, the amplified sound of a man’s steps, Bepi Ghiotti reflects on walking as an act of poetic and political resistance. The action becomes a powerful metaphor for inner journeys and individual presence in urban space. The performance focuses attention on the essential and on what usually goes unnoticed, transforming daily walking into a dynamic sound composition that interacts with the surrounding environment. The work invites us to slow down, to listen and perceive the world carefully, encouraging us to think about our impact on Earth and the need for an aware relationship with space and community.